Stock cars and half-naked women and hamsters and Lindsay, oh my! Balance & PerspectiveChuckNovember 3, 2011hamster, Lindsay Lohan, Stock cars, victoria's secretComment
Business History: Keys to the Executive Washroom WorkChuckNovember 3, 2011anachronism, executive washroomComment
Simplicity-Lit today: "The Time Trap" Balance & PerspectiveChuckNovember 1, 2011simplicity-lit, the time trapComment
What is the Lunesta Defense? Headline HumorChuckOctober 25, 2011legal defense, Lunesta, side effectsComment
Tim Abbott for President! We need his Out-of-the-Crosswalk Thinking! Balance & PerspectiveChuckOctober 21, 20112012, President, Roseanne Roseannadanna, Tim AbbottComment
Forget vultures. Don't let the idiots get you down. Goal-Setting & Ach..., WorkChuckOctober 20, 2011criticism, critics, George WashingtonComment
That's the second, wait, third, wait, fourth, wait... unmanly thing you've done today Balance & PerspectiveChuckOctober 11, 2011fishing, manly, MIller LiteComment
Everyone talks about the weather, but... Headline HumorChuckSeptember 27, 2011weather, weather channel, wxriskComment
Toddlers 'n Tiaras for Little Boys FamilyChuckSeptember 21, 2011MMA, parenting, toddlers n tiarasComment
Top Ten Reasons I'm Glad it's Fall Dealing with ChangeChuckSeptember 21, 2011autumn, fall, seasons Comments
When you are in Virginia, think ______, not ______. Balance & PerspectiveChuckSeptember 12, 2011Bearded Dragon, Horned Toad, Horses, Zebras Comments
OK. What the hell is this odd looking animal from my yard? UncategorizedChuckSeptember 8, 2011giant lizard Comments
Top 10 Lessons from Evel Knievel’s Snake River Canyon Leap Headline HumorChuckSeptember 7, 2011daredevil, Evel Knievel, snake river canyonComment