We Pledge Allegiance to our Regions and/or to Our People Balance & Perspective, Headline HumorChuckSeptember 8, 2015Comment
My New 3rd-Favorite Podcast, and Island Life Goal-Setting & Ach..., WorkChuckSeptember 2, 2015goal-setting, goals, Hansen, humor, islands, perspective, Thoreau, workComment
I found a great new podcast, he said, not acknowledging this is his first post in almost two years UncategorizedChuckFebruary 4, 2015Comment
The ecstasy of youth Balance & PerspectiveChuckJuly 16, 2013morning, soul, summer, Thoreau, youthComment
Divine Intervention, Luck, or both? Balance & Perspective, Dealing with ChangeChuckJuly 2, 2013Bahamas, divine intervention, God, luck, pot, sailing, smugglersComment