A Ship In Harbor Is Safe, But That Is Not What Ships Are Built For
HAIR: the Solution?
"She asks me why, I'm just a hairy guy..."
Top Ten Ways We Could Mess with and Generally Irritate the Terrorists
Charlie Sheen: He does an ego good
The Royal Wedding & the NFL Draft – they are basically the same thing, and I’ll prove it.
Sick to my stomach on the high seas: a rough day at work
Top 10 Things to do Alone in Busch Gardens
Gun-play & a High-Speed Car Chase in the Not-So-Naked City of Emporia
There are a million stories in the naked city of Emporia. This is one of them.
Smart Dog, Dumb Dog
“Book People” Bookstore Local Author Showcase on Friday, April 8 from 6 – 8 p.m
"Hamburger Helper"? When I was growing up, we ate "Dirt Helper"!
What's the difference between VCU / UofR & Charlie Sheen?
Goal-Setting & Ach...Chuckbutler, Denis Waitley, Dole, failure, Jordan, Obama, Richmond, sailing, Spiders, success, UofR, VCU
Thursday, March 31, 2011: HEADLINE HUMOR IS BACK – And this time it’s humorsonal…
Headline HumorChuckArnold, children, CIA, CNN, funny, Gadhafi, giant rabbit, Governator, Hollywood, humor, Japan, libya, news, nuclear, Prince William, Sarkozy, Schwarzenegger, Supreme Court, Syria, The Giant Carrot, Walmart, Weasel, wedding
"Thanks for the awesome post. It saved MUCH time! :-)"
From Headline Humor Headquarters in Midlothian, Va., it’s HEADLINE HUMOR for Friday, March 25, 2011!!
Headline HumorChuckchildren, comedy, Depends, education, Egypt, funny, Gadhafi, headlines, humor, Imodium, libya, Marijuana, news, parenting, Purell, Red Bull, rest areas, safety, school, virginia, weight
If there's one thing about the world you need to know...
Balance & Perspective, Goal-Setting & Ach..., WorkChuckbalance, children, life, Malcolm Gladwell, perspective, speaker, Stephen Covey, success, work
As God is my witness, never again!