Headline Humor – Monday, Feb. 21, 2011
Headline HumorChuckAll-Star, bernanke, bush, carter, clinton, CNN, comedy, entertainment, fed, funny, grammys, headlines, humor, music, NBA, news, Obama, politics, reagan, running, speaker
Headline Humor – Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2011
Headline HumorChuckAniston, change, CNN, comedy, Daytona, funny, Gadhafi, Hansen, humor, libya, mice, NASCAR, news, simplicity, Snowboarder, speaker
Headline Humor - Tuesday, Feb. 8, 2011
Headline HumorChuckAl Gore, Biden, Current TV, CurrentTV, drunk guys, FDA, Glee, news, Olbermann, Super Bowl, unemployment
Chuck Hansen reporting from an UNDISCLOSED location in Cairo. Yes, that Cairo.
Am I the only one who has trust issues with the mute button?
Brain Surgery on a Hamster...
Balance & PerspectiveChuckbalance, chuck, funny, Hansen, humor, information, life, nuts, overload, perspective, relax, simplicity, speaker, speeches, stress, virginia